Kayle guide for league of legends. champion guides for the league of legends champion kayle. created and rated by players, search through some of the best builds to increase your game and dominate the field of battle. players guide you through every step of kayle creation, modification and play style.. Wtf! riot 100% broke kayle with these buffs! buffed kayle season 8 top gameplay! - league of legends - duration: 26:03. solorenektononly 281,827 views. I just played one ranked game with zed vs kayle in mid and at the start i was winning but focus farming because its one key to win with zed ur lane and try to make 1 to 2 kilss before kayle lvl 6 because hes ult strong and if u try towerdive with zed and kayle used hes slow and ult he kills u and normaly if u zed mid and u have counter pick mid.
I used to play kayle eons ago (back when ad kayle top w/ season 2 black cleaver was a thing on her), and i remember her being the de facto zed.... I play zed alot, what i've noticed is that i have a hard time against.. well anyone with cc and some kind of escape, believe it or not but kassadin is good vs zed,you have a better poke and if he ults you just silence him and rift to safety. fizz is good aswell, trollpole to safety but i wouldn't recommend him.. Kayle took no damage (being the purpose of her ult) and zed died from kayle's team. soon after zeds ult exploded and killed kayle. the point of this forum post is that zed's ultimate does 100% of his attack damage + 50% of damage dealt to his target during the 3 second delay(zed had about 250 ad)..